En bra film om hur upproret börjad och utvecklades i Libyen:

Libyan Crisis: Events, Causes and Facts (Documentary /utlagd 13/11 2011)

Någon gång i framtiden hoppas vi på en liknande film om händelserna i Syrien och om vad som faktiskt hände där. Tills dess, varför inte se syriska televisionens intervju med Lizzie Phelan, som motvikt till den otroligt ensidiga bilden våra svenska media ger.

Lizzie Phelan – Syrian people support Bashar al-Assad.(19/1 2012)


- From Washington this looks like Syria’s ‘Benghazi moment’. But not from here, Robert Fisk, Extreme Predudice 9/2 2012
- US Invading Syria by Proxy. US “prepares military options” to back terrorists in Syria, CounterPsyOps 9/2 2012
- Full text of the speech by Bashar Ja’afari, Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations, at the Security Council on February 4, 2012, on the draft resolution on Syria, Essays on Empire 4/2 2012
- Nato Death Toll in Libya ’Cannot be Counted’,International Business Times 8/2 2012
- Syria and those disgusting BRICS, Pepe Escobar – Asia Times, nsnbc 8/2 2012
- How the Arab League Has Become a Tool of Western Imperialism, Finian Cunningham, Global Research 9/2 2012
- “Western politicians and media are not yet fighting World War III, but they are talking themselves into it.” Road to Damascus… and on to Armageddon? Diana Johnstone, Counterpunch.org 13/2 2012
- Most Syrians back President Assad, but you’d never know from western media. Assad’s popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west’s propaganda war, The Guardian 17/2 2012