OBS: länkar tillagda nederst.

Här låter jag en av dem, som aldrig släpps fram i svenska media, få tala och få berätta om sin syn på det som händer i Syrien idag. Det är alltid bra att höra synpunkter från alla sidor.

Nu har vi svenskar, under mer än två år, enbart fått lyssna på syrier i Sverige som stödjer jihadisterna i Syrien, så det är dags att lyssna på en syrier, som bor i Syrien, och som hyser de åsikter som majoriteten av syrierna där hyser idag, även stora delar av den politiska, och fredliga oppositionen. Lyssna, filmen är bara drygt två minuter lång:

Of the Syrian People to the American People…(utlagd 18/9 2013)


Tales from village-turned-battlefield: Maaloula siege survivors talk, RT 20/9 2013
(Många är rädda att tala eftersom jihadisterna kan ta hämnd på dem som är kvar men en kvinna berättar: “We were woken up in the morning by their ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts,” Antoinette recalls. “We closed the doors, and we gathered all in one room. They broke into the garden and told us: ‘Surrender and we won’t harm you.’ Antoine, Mikhael, and Shadi went there and surrendered. I heard my cousin outside saying that he never held weapons. I understood they pointed their guns at them. Then they started shooting and throwing mortar bombs into the room. I got injured in my chest and elbow.” )
How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged. Detailed Video Analysis on GRTV, James Corbett & Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research 19/9 2013 (Citat: As analysts have been at pains to point out, the motive for such an attack has always suggested that it was more likely that the terrorists were the culprits in Ghouta, not the Syrian government. They have been losing the ground war against Syrian government forces for months, and they knew that the use of chemical weapons was the “red line” that Obama had set as the threshold for military intervention. Those who argue Assad’s culpability have to believe that not only did he suddenly and inexplicably resort to using chemical weapons on his own people for no strategic military reason, but that he waited until UN chemical weapons inspectors arrived in the country before doing so.)